Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Happy Eleven-Month Birthday!
The sprout is outgrowing his clothes at a manic pace this month. I made another pants run at the beginning of November, but he's already down from seven pairs to five. More than ever before, I am thankful for thrift stores.
"Dang, you got to the camera first...this time." |
For Tor's first Thanksgiving, we went over to our friends Dave and Lindsay's. The day started out with brunch at 10:00 and continued with a walk at noon and dinner around 6:00. The weather was unseasonably warm, so Tor got to play in the yard. Basically, we ate a lot, enjoyed ourselves all around, and reflected on the great many reasons we have to be thankful this year.
Switching out the droolguard for a food bib |
Ready to tackle the turkey |
The fist pump indicates successful conclusion of the meal |
Scrubbed of his mashed potato beard |
Falling victim to the postprandial slump |
Our friend Aaron (Madeline's dad) had to work on Thanksgiving, so the day afterward we went over to their house for pizza. Madeline has this great set of wooden foods that are segmented and held together with velcro, allowing kids to "cut" through them. Tor played with the food for a little while but then took to wielding the knife for its own sake.
Future sushi chef or serial killer? (What do you mean, false dichotomy?) |
Yukking it up with Madeline |
Diapers for all! |
New skills this month include properly using toys that require him to insert one part into another, chucking toys out of his high chair onto the floor repeatedly and complaining until we give them back, eating small pieces of meat instead of meat purees, and standing while holding onto furniture and then bending over to pick something up without collapsing. No words yet...maybe he's holding out to give me "mama" for Christmas.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Waiting for Winter
The temperatures here stayed in the balmy forties until yesterday, when we were greeted by a 15-degree morning. Tor got some new fleece gloves (well, new to him) after outgrowing his nifty Nordic knit pair--and these velcro on!
Houdini Jr. soon figured out how to take them off with his teeth, though, so I'll probably just sew all his sleeves shut. |
On Sunday morning, Tor made the pancake-preparation process even more enjoyable than usual with his turtle tossing and Moby dancing.
![]() |
Obviously what we're in for |
Evenings usually consist of picking up Tor at 5:00, getting home at 5:20 and nursing, then playing until dinner at 6:30, then playing until bedtime at 8:00. Thank heavens someone invented the slow cooker. We're working our tails off, but it's full steam ahead for spring defenses, so keep your fingers crossed that you'll address next Christmas's cards to "Drs. Hansen & Hansen."
Barber, baby, bubbles, and a bumblebee: only one of these appears here |
"You worry too much, Mother. I won't be nearly this rakish once I hit puberty." |
Monday, November 7, 2011
Fotos de Torsten
We recently got two emails from other people with pictures of Tor that I thought I'd share. The first is from Oct. 1, and features him banging pots in our friend's kitchen. The second two are from our daycare providers and were taken last week (their email subject line is the title of this post).
Busted as he ran off to join the German army, circa 1942 |
Who's the cutest one of all? |
Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Happy Ten-Month Birthday!
Today, Tor is ten months old! No doctor's visit associated with this month. But in terms of milestones, Lars put him to bed last night for the first time since he was about three months old...and Mama had an evening out with the local Medieval Research Group. I was a ball of nerves about it, but everything went great! Next step: evening babysitter...
![]() |
Training for the father-son high chair derby |
Lars later explained to me that pumpkin stems are sharp |
"Play with me NOW, hound!" |
Never one to settle for easy prey |
All done |
Our son is a seasoned pro at using anything handy to stand against. He's now starting to let go of those props for a few seconds at a time. Next month: bipedal baby?
Trying to distract me while he pilfers sensitive documents |
"Shoes? Shoes?! I don't need no stinkin' shoes!" |
I'll be so sad when he outgrows the bears! |
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Autumn Activities
Tor's nine-month check-up confirmed that he's hitting all his developmental milestones and holding strong in the 3rd percentile for weight. The pediatrician seemed happy, which made us happy, so everyone left happy except for Tor "Pincushion" Hansen. Here are the stats:
- Height: 25.6" (29th percentile)
- Weight: 16 lbs. 9.3 oz. (3rd percentile)
- Head circumference: 17.2" (11th percentile)
- Vaccines received:
- Hepatitis booster
- Flu shot (parents received flu nasal mist in solidarity)
After he was all immunized, we took him apple/pumpkin picking with some buddies (including Madeline). And of course I dressed him in orange on purpose. Do you even have to wonder?
Rollin' up to the patch |
Finger-pointing like a regular partisan |
Chompers engaged, face stickified |
Going to be an awkward poser like your folks, I see |
Well, we tried. |
Of late, the kiddo has developed an intense affection for guitars. Part of it must be that guitar time = Daddy time, but he's also just intrigued by the physicality of the instrument.
Clapping along, but no singing yet...sleepaway camp will have to wait |
He lives to try his hand at it:
Last week saw a big geoscience conference come to Minneapolis, so we had some friends in town. We got no pics of them with Tor, but here's Tor examining one of their hats.
Gator hater |
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Happy Nine-Month Birthday!
(A day early, but I won't have time to post tomorrow.) Prelude: Tor at the Lawrence Hall of Science, Sept. 2.
Three quarters of the way through his first year on earth, Tor is encountering my favorite season: autumn. It's fortunate that thanks to the multitude of friends he's gathered in his short life, he has an abundance of sweaters.
Smuggest guy at the farmer's market? Not a chance |
"So, come here often?" |
Ready for the Bierkebeiner Cross Country Ski Race |
Put gloves on. Grab camera. Put gloves on. Grab camera. Give up. |
Tor attended his first birthday party last Sunday: that of the famous Madeline, who has gotten even cuter and even zanier in her second year. No one knew either was possible, but the girl is a force of nature.
Tor was the youngest child there, so he mostly observed, but he managed to snag a toy here and there.
His doe eyes had yet to light on the doll |
"What a non-gender conformist I'm raising," I thought |
Then his true little-boy colors emerged |
The lad is now pointing at everything he sees. The semiotic value of this pointing remains indeterminate: sometimes it seems to invite us to share his attention to a certain object (e.g., a light), sometimes it's directed at us, sometimes it indicates his general displeasure with his situation. Hopefully it'll quickly become a more handy communication device. ("Handy!" I kill me.)
Daycare is going really well. They've been getting out to the park often while the weather remains good, which you all know Tor enjoys. And he's been drinking between 4 and 6 oz. of milk while there--not as much as we'd like, but a damn sight better than none.
"Gimme whatever you got in your cheeks and we'll call it even." |
Honing his enviable spatial skills |
Now he'll have to figure out something else he wants for Christmas |
His nine-month doctor's appointment is scheduled for Friday, 9/30. It's easy to see he's grown, but will it be enough to keep him on his curve? Tune in next week and find out! I'll also try to get some pictures of him in a standing position--he's pulling himself up like a pro these days, but he does still require a spotter. Now that Daddy's home from a conference, though, we can team up to bring you the best of Tor.
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