What hasn't Tor done since we left Minnesota? He flew on an airplane. He visited Grandpa and Grandma (whom he christened "Aah-Bee"). He beat pneumonia and scarcely shed a tear. He roamed Tahoe's beaches and measured himself against giant sequoias. He slept in a hammock, a tent, and a backpack. And he landed unscathed at 6567 Flanders Drive in Newark, CA.
That impish grin is becoming a regular fixture |
"Found her before you did, Gracie!" |
Waterworld's littlest extra |
What would a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's be without a few new toys to show for it? (Yep, we'll have to break him of that habit.)
DaDa and Grandpa arrived from their drive across the country with spirits high and Dendro in tow. Tor enjoyed a night of duets before being stricken with the black lung.