He always chooses such revealing tops |
Crazy that it's March already! Col's begun occupying the high chair at meal times so that he can a) feel like part of the family, b) be comfortable in it when we start feeding him next month (!), and c) not bother us while we eat. Mainly that last one. He's usually good for at least five minutes in there, often ten, so I can do an initial shovel-in of sustenance before finishing dinner with a baby in my lap. Lars'll grab him sometimes too, but he's mostly dealing with Tor, who is still coming to grips with the physical freedom of sitting in a regular chair while eating.
"Uh, could I get a reset over here?" |
"Yes. Yeeees. That's the stuff." |
"z Z Z z . . . nipplenipplenipplenipple . . . z Z Z z" |
Very curious about the phone, which I'm always shoving in his face |
Lovin' the sunshine |
Styling the bold colors of the season |
Tor and DaDa are still getting lots of bonding time, while I tend to wrangle Col. A few days ago, Tor woke up from his nap and I went upstairs to greet him, only to be met with a "BUT I WANTED DADDEEEEE" meltdown. So now I know how that feels.
Good morning, sunshines |
Hansen & Son Computer Repair |
You'll note that Tor is wearing the same pair of gloves in all of these pictures (in the one where you can't see his hands, I assure you the gloves are present). It's his latest superhero affectation. We force him to take them off for mealtimes, but they go right back on after he's excused from the table. Every few days, I'll launder them and put them on the radiator to dry overnight so that he can run downstairs and don them in the morning. They weren't expensive gloves, and they are starting to unravel between the fingers, so we'll see what happens when the first real hole appears. (Oma has already clued me in that a store down the street carries the same pair.)
Supervised cuddles |
Caught in the act |
Last weekend, we checked out the Natural History Museum by Lars's office, then headed over to the History of Science Museum down the road.
A dinosaur passed through earlier |
An owl surrounded by all its favorite foods |
Blurry, but you get the idea |
Tor is Anglicizing. Here and there I've noticed changes in his vowel quality--"cake" has become more like "cayke," "can't" more like "cahn't." So far, this is most pronounced instance (see what I did there?):
Scene: Playing with a broken piece of balsa wood board, about an inch square
Tor: Mom, do you want a diskit?
Me (carefully enunciating because I think he's mispronouncing): A BIS-cuit? Sure, I would love a BIS-cuit.
Tor: No, not a BIS-cuit! A DIS-kit!
Me (confused): What's a diskit?
Tor: It goes into the computer and we can watch a movie or look at pictures on it.
Me (light dawning): Ohhh. A disquette. Uh, I'll take a disquette . . . thank you.
As if communication with a preschooler isn't hard enough, amiright? At least we'll be used to Col talking with an accent once he starts talking. Maybe. Actually, who knows what he's going to sound like--trapped in a phonetic no man's land, probably, confusing both Americans and Brits.
That reminds me: Col's rolling over now. Both ways.
Here's a video to prove it, which for some reason didn't want to embed in the blog. So gone are the blissful days of setting him haphazardly on sofas, changing tables, and sundry elevated surfaces. It's a little early for nostalgia, but there you have it.