Thursday, February 3, 2011

Desperately Seeking Smiles

 I spent Tor's alert time after several feedings today carrying around the camera and trying to catch him with a smile on his face. He's still (theoretically) too young to produce "social smiles" in response to environmental cues, so we're dealing with "spontaneous smiles" at this point. Which makes it harder to know when you should whip out the camera. I can't call any of these an unqualified success, but they do show personality.

(Sidebar: Did you know that the circumferences of an infant's head and chest are roughly equal until he's six months old? Our friend who's a nurse gave us her old pediatrics textbook, so I'm chock full of fun facts like that. Tor's head circumference, by the way, was 36.5 cm at four weeks, following the growth curve nicely from his two-week doctor's visit.)

The child has a crazy eye going here. Not sure if this is more smile or scream.

This is as close as it gets for another couple of weeks, probably. But it's still pretty cute.

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