Monday, April 22, 2013

Playing Catch-Up . . . Again

As usual, I'm behind, so here's a smattering of snapshots and stories from the past few weeks. First, a couple of Oma and Opa with Tor:

Learning to pass


New blanket, blanket cover, and pillowcase = instanap (thanks, Oma!)

Party's at our place, kids

Helping DaDa with Saturday breakfast

Tor finally repeated his January achievement of pooping on the potty, so as Lars had been promising him for weeks, we took him out for ice cream. The kind where you get to choose your own toppings. Turns out he's more of a fruit guy than a chocolate guy, but he picked a healthy mix of options.

"Hey, this is soy froyo, not ice cream! No more toilet for me!"
Taking his seat at the Super Friends table


A chance to dance sans pants

I mustered my courage to hook up the bike trailer while Lars was at a conference in Vienna, and over the course of the week, I took Tor to day care, all over the neighborhood, and to a nearby regional park where we enjoyed a picnic and wildlife-viewing.
Tor was not even a little bit intimidating

Ready for our "hike"

Trawling for reeds

Falafel fiend

Also during Lars's absence, Tor and I enjoyed a visit with Mormor. We got deli sandwiches for a picnic at the park and Tor tuckered himself out.
Lower math

He groused until Mormor would take a turn

Did not want to leave his "fairy house" 

Five minutes after our departure

We got together with a few moms and kids from our Bible study at a local park.
Inventing a tetherball/dodgeball hybrid

Unequally yoked on the teeter-totter

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